Today my newest online workshop Artful Adventures with Vincent Van Gogh goes on sale on my website!
Get ready to go on an Artful Adventure with us. Color, line, texture, and MORE! From the get go, we’ll learn about van Gogh’s artwork and his brief but dramatic life, and then we’ll dive right in to 4 technique lessons with creative ways to translate his signature style into your own unique art journaling and artwork.
Sign up NOW to enjoy great pricing: Early Bird is just $39 – now through Wednesday, June 1st when the technique lessons begin.
Check out the promo video to get a sneak peek at some of the projects and techniques:
In addition to exploring Vincent van Gogh’s expressive style, we’ll also learn about creating texture, working with inspiration from your own surroundings, playing with color theory to help you achieve new dimension and drama in your artmaking, and much much more. Let the Artful Adventures begin!
Learn more about the workshop HERE.
But wait, there’s more ;)

Looking for more Artful Adventures? We’re having a sale right now on all of them – just $39 each! Check them out here. Bundle together a few and enjoy discovering how Gustav Klimt, Joan Miró, Paul Klee, or Andy Warhol can provide you with new artistic inspiration and techniques to get you thinking and creating with new passion in your art journal and beyond.
Check out all the Artful Adventures in my Online Shop. And enjoy them for just $39 each (instead of the regular $49) – now through June 1st, 2022 at 11:59pm EDT.

See you soon in the online classrooms!
Comments (2)
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Is the workshop available to view for a limited time, or extended time?
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It will be available for view for as long as Nathalie’s Studio exists and you can download all videos too.