The Traveling Artist

Photos: Singapore Part II

Almost at the end of the journey.



We met the Tattered Angels Design Team girls Susan Lui and Emeline Seet and also the lovely Aida Haron who I met in January at CHA in L.A. We had a great lunch together and the three did such a fun tourist tour with us- I learnt more in half I day when we could possibly have learned on our own in two days :)



We had such a cool hotel boutique hotel- every room was different





Ours was the GardenRoom and we had a nice terrace with the coolest bath tub.





A Hindu Temple around the corner


Also around the corner was this amazing Buddha Temple






And at the airport I was so thrilled to meet Sasha Farina – yeahhh- what a sweat heart and it was awesome to have – although only a short time- a coffee with her :


that was it…no more pictures…till the next journey ;) thanks for letting me share. Have a good one :)

  • sasha farina


    come back soon Miss Nat.. I miss you. *hugs*


  • MicheyMoo


    Nat – I met you at the beginning of your trip and have loved seeing you post updates of all the fun you’ve been having along the way. You saw a very different Singapore to the one I saw a few years ago. Though I was very jetlagged after two overnight and sleepless flights to get there.
    Glad you are home safe n sound and look forward to continuing to be inspired by your artworks.
    Michey xx
    PS: I love your Aussie t-shirt in that last photo!! So quintessential. xx


  • Janna


    wunderbare Photos!


  • Jenny Petricek


    Singapore looks awesome! What a great trip! Another destination to put on my someday-travel list!


  • Sue Clarke


    Wonderful photos as usual Nat. I love the ones of the temples…so colorful. IN that last pic you look so happy. I think that the career change has been good for you.


  • Sue


    It was lovely seeing you in real life Nat! :) That was a great lunch. We should do it more often huh? Love the photos you took.


  • Mary Bennetts


    oh I also completed a layout last night using some of the techniques you taught us in your class if you want to pop over to my blog and check it out. I have to say I love how it turned out :)

    Mary x


  • Mary Bennetts


    Wow the place you stayed at looks fabulous. We had a stop over at Singapore coming home from Europe, we only really had a day to look around and it was SO hot. I dont think we got a true experience of Singapore.
    Mary x


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Photos: Singapore Part I

What can I say- Singapore- amazing :) I was surprised how much I loved it there.

The food…yum yum  – you go to food courts and then you can order at any of the stands inside and have what ever yummie food you are in the mood for. Like freshly right in front of you made Ramen Noodles – in soup


or a typical Singapore dish – Chickenrice with some ginger-lemon-cucumber drink- ohhh yum


It was fun to walk around in all those little neighborhoods like chinatown


or Little India




Arab Street with the Sultan Mosque


the houses with all those different colors were beautiful


I also loved to see some little tongue in cheek stuff like this




Beautiful trees along the walk in Fort Canning Park


More pictures to come- have a great day!

  • Sue Clarke


    Looks like a whole different world!


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Photos: Australia Part IV

Ha- more Australia photos- but then next stop will be Singapore :)

After our minivaction in the Hunter Valley- I taught some more classes – and it was really fun – each class was different and that was what I loved the most. Then I went back to Sydney and had to say bye bye to Sherry :( and her cute family

Harbour Bridge and Opera


We went with the Ferry to Manly Beach and had a nice day there….ahhhh ocean


We visited the Australian Museum with some amazing exhibitions




And we had a fun night at the Opera house at a Herbie Hancock Concert- we decided last minute – so we sat at the very very end- LOL- but had a good view and the sound was awesome! This is in the beginning when no one was there yet


And then we had to say bye bye to Sydney and made our way to Singapore



See you in Singapore :)

  • Sue Clarke


    I enjoyed the Aussie photos and can’t wait to travel to Singapore with you Nat!


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Photos: Australia Part III

It was so crazy busy the last days- I wasn’t even able to post the next round of Australia pictures, LOL- so maybe you are ready now for the next  ones :)

I loved all those cool- totally unusual road signs while one the motorway







Our biggest trip was to Taree to teach at Scrap a While – we were 7 hours in the car- also due to a really bad traffic jam. But we were at the BEACH- yeahhh !


And here we had a lot of us Tattered Angels DT Girls on one place :) Peg, Sherry, Mandy and me.


It was so wonderful to spent time with you girls!!! Thank you for coming!!!

My husband and I met then as it was halftime and Easter and we had a little minivacation in the Hunter Valley, which is the Wine Country in NSW. We had a wonderful time and relaxed quite a bit.


These were the views from our private apartment


And then of course we had to go to a zoo – cause – Hey…I was there already for over a week and no kangoroos yet. I was soo ready to see skippy but all the efforts by my fellow Australian friends to show me wildlife were not awarded (well- they are awarded by me- you girls were sooo cool!!!)

Look- two of them…eh…LOL


And this is a Wombat who just ate Corn…LOL.


And are you a Bugs Bunny Fan like me? Remember the Tasmanian Devil? Well- LOL- although the Tasmanian Devil wasn’t as mean as in the Cartoons- LOL- there were some similiarties in the way it moved, the sounds it made and the reaction to food- LOL- hence this very blurry photo


And how I managed to get a blurry picture of the slowest moving animal in the world..this super cute koala might be a mystery to you…but hey- once he figured it might be feeding time he got quite quick!


And just because this photo cracks me up so much…another kangoroo pic :)


so one more post about Australia and then we will move on to Singapur :) Thanks for letting me share! Have a gorgeous day!

  • Peg Hewitt


    It was so awesome to meet you irl, I totally loved the class and learning some new stuff about Tattered Angels products!
    So glad you finally got to hang out with some Aussie wildlife, come back soon y’hear :-)


  • Michelle Jackson


    Hunter Valley looks just gorgeous!!! What an amazing trip. Love that you finally got to see Skippy. :)


  • Sue Clarke


    Wonderful!!! I really like the one of your hubby and the kanga looking at each other (long lost sibs?). LOL
    The trees ones are also beautiful and I don’t have those crossing signs here at all!


  • sylvia


    aren’t wombats the cutest dudes ever ever ever??? thanks for sharing!


  • Conny


    ….soooo schöne bilder! und du hast bei den landschaftsfotos auch den moment so gut erfasst, dass man das “feeling” beim betrachten bekommt…. nach den fotos schafft mein mann es ja vielleicht doch mich dorthin zu bringen ;-)

    die verkehrszeichen sind genial hehe und meine kids sind begeistert koala&co …

    danke fürs teilen!

    lg conny


  • Mandy C


    Enjoying all your photos and reports from your travells, hope you get to come back again soon


  • Kim Sonksen


    hahahaha, the last picture totally cracks me up!


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Photos: Australia Part II

Let’s continue the pictures of my journey…I told you…you will have to go through this- hahahah ;)

After two days in Sydney I finally met up with my friend Sherry Mendoza who had organized the whole trip and workshop tour- and let me tell you – she did an outstanding work. We went to her favorite Junk Yard first ! Boy that was fun! I have actually never been to a junk yard and after a short hesitation I digged right in and found loads of fun stuff.





Sherry also lives close to a cemetary that looks way older than it is. Perfect setting for some late night Halloween photos. I tried day time first…too many spiders and snakes- LOL



And then the workshops started- it was so much fun! I loved that all the students created something different and that they all enjoyed freeing their Creativity :) I had a blast. Here are a couple pictures from Workshops at different stores I taught at.








Here is a picture of me where the Dog sits on the Tuckerbox – 5 miles from Gundagai :) Apparently there is a song about this:


We drove a lot and I loved the landscape and the very intense colors. Here are drive by photos ;)




What I will never forget and was one of my favorite in Australia- is the shapes of the trees- I loved it – I think if I see a movie now with just trees shaped like this- I know exactly :)


More to follow :)

  • Peg Hewitt


    Wow, those girls created amazing canvases!!! All so beautiful!


  • sylvia


    amazing amazing amazing Nat! I’m so thrilled for you, it looks like you had a fantastic time!
    can’t wait to see the next round of photos (honest!!)


  • Sue Clarke


    Love the photos (especially the ones at the workshops)…great smiles on your face Nat!


  • Martha Richardson


    I want to go to the junk yard!!! Great travelogue…the Travel channel might have to get a hold of you!!


  • Linda64


    Great pictures and that junk yard looks like a real fun place for treasure digging… Hugs


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Photos: Australia Part I

After a couple of weeks with an amazing workshop journey in Australia and a stop over in Singpore I’m back. so…get prepared for several photo-posts :)

After two never ending flights with the Singapore Airlines…which by the way has the best service ever…we arrived in Sydney in our wonderful apartment right at the Harbour Bridge.We had a wonderful view outside our balcony on the 14th floor





Below the apartment was Luna Park – an amusement park built in 1935 – such an amazing and fun entrance


The first day I was on my own and went with the ferry to Circular Quay where the wonderful opera house is. There is a really great system in System on using the Ferry boats- I enjoyed it so much- it is like having minivactions in a minivacation  – lol . The opera was really quite something. I have to say the architecture fully reveals and grabs you when you see it in person.








From there I made my way to the beautiful Botanical Garden and saw soon the cute Flying Foxes …just hanging around in the trees


They are the largest bats in the world, totally harmless and pretty loud – LOL. It is a sound you never forget. Also something you won’t forget is the sight of a huge gigantic spider in a huge gigantic spider web…also just hanging out… (you will read the word huge throughout my posts about Australia probably quite often…everything is BIGGER in Australia)


You have to know that I have a little issue with spiders…funny enough the big one didn’t bug me that much…it is more those mean little ones that you don’t see and can’t keep your eye on that freak me out :) . And the warning to not lean against bushes didn’t help me much in the not freak part :)
I checked out the main shopping street – George Street – , The Rocks and went to the Museum of Contemporary Art which had amazing Mixed Media Installations and had a fab time in very nice weather . I had some daily observations:

everyday is casual friday in Australia :), they do not give out forks with the french fries, some of their plug ins have pull out handles- such a great idea!!!, it does actually rain a lot in the fall of aussie, burger king is hungry jack, there are fun markets in sydney, umbrellas are cheaper than in London, Sydney is not as much fun when it rains, it seems to be hip to rent a rolls royce for a wedding, women’s certain apparal has totally different sizes when in Europe or the US and is even different by brand, shopping malls close early at 5pm, men really love to wear flip flops here :), No Australian seems to actually wear UGGs, if they say winter collection is in…it is sandals and T-Shirts, The money is see-through, they eat stuff that looks like a mixture of pancakes and English Muffins



2011 Australia

The second day in Sydney my husband and I went to several fun markets and had a really good time.

I will post next about junkyards and workshops and over experiences in Australia :)

Comments (10)

  • Vicki Chrisman


    loving looking through all your photos! What an adventure! awesome!


  • jayne From Stamps and Craft


    Some really great photos and you have written about your travel so well – want to go and vist where you have been.


  • Sue Clarke


    I always love to see your photos from your travels…that entrance is AWESOME…looks like you have to get swallowed to enter!


  • Karen


    Wow. Gorgeous stuff. I love those paper flowers. So cool! I am inspired to learn that for the ornament exchange!


  • Mary Bennetts


    PS I dont think the flying foxes are cute, they give me the creeps lol and Love the pic of the harbour bridge


  • Mary Bennetts


    You have taken some fabulous pics. I have enjoyed reading your thoughts on our country :)


  • Linda64


    Thank you for sharing great pictures and text. Looking forward to the next one.


  • Cuchy


    Can’t wait to read more. Welcome


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Photos: Cherry Nest Event in Greece, Athens



Wow….just wooowww…really- it was such an awesome event. Elina from Cherry Nest and her wonderful helpers did an outstanding job organizing this event and their hospitality was just out of this world. I felt so welcomed and spoiled it was amazing. Actually everybody I met in Greece was just plain wonderful – I’m back…for sure ;)

Wow…einfach nur wooowww …echt -war das ein geniales Event. Elina von Cherry Nest und ihre grandiosen Helfer haben dieses Event herausragend organisiert und die Gastfreundschaft war einfach unglaublich. Ich habe mich willkommen und verwöhnt gefühlt- war sooo schön. Und eigentlich war jeder den ich in Griechenland getroffen habe, einfach nur wunderbar – ich komme wieder…ganz sicher ;)



The first evening we had a gorgeous time with Bruna, Roberto and Helena from Rome, Lydia from Luxembourg and Zeffy our wonderful amazing tourguide from Athen. We went shopping and had a great dinner together :)

Den ersten Abend verbrachten Bruna, Roberto und Helena aus Rom, Lydia aus Luxemburg und Zeffy aus Athen zusammen. Wir waren shoppen und hatten ein wunderbares Abendessen zusammen :)



Friday we went up to the Acropolis. Zeffy was our amazing guide with a great knowledge of all the details- thank you so much sweet girl! It was a wonderful sunny warm day and the flowers added to the beautiful scenery.

Freitag machten wir uns dann auf zur Akropolis. Zeffy hat uns begleitet und wusste ganz viel zu erzählen -es war super. Es war ein wunderschöner sonniger Tag und die Frühlingsblumen machten die Umgebung noch reizvoller.


Odeion des Herodes Atticus










Erechtheum with the Caryatids (Porch of the Maidens)



After this we went to the Acropolis museum – amazing – I loved it and then we went to the old part of the city – Plaka.
Danach waren wir im Akropolis Museum – grandios – und dann waren wir in dem alten Teil der Stadt – Plaka.







The workshops were on Saturday and it was a big and fun group – I loved how versatile the group was – Mixed Media girls- Scrapbooking girls – oh wait…men too:) It was awesome. As always I forgot to take pictures- here is one by Eleni – thank you girl!

Die Workshops waren am Samstag und es war eine großartige und witzige Gruppe – Ich fand es klasse wie durchmischt sie war – Mixed Media Mädels und Scrapbooking Mädels…oh moment – Männer auch :) Es war super. Wie immer habe ich völlig vergessen Photos zu machen- hier ist eins von Eleni – danke !



Elinas beautiful and sweet Mom, Katerina cooked us an amazing authentic greek dinner after the workshops- it was soooo good- I couldn’t stop eating- look- she is checking if I eat enough ;) LOL

Elinas wunderschöne und liebe Mama, Katerina hat uns dann abends ein leckeres griechisches Abendessen zubereitet – es war so gut – ich konnte gar nicht mehr aufhören zu futtern – seht, sie schaut ob ich auch genug gegessen habe ;)LOL


Thank you my sweet girls for such an amazing time :) Love ya and miss you already!
Vielen Dank meine Lieben für alles :) Vermisse Euch schon jetzt!


  • Linda64


    Looks like you girls had a fab. time. Bet it was nice to meet up again!! Hugs to all…


  • Ania


    Truly looks like a wonderful time!! :)


  • Louloupi


    So lucky you are!!!!! Greece ouaouuu!!


    Louloupi ;-)


  • Sue Clarke


    Wonderful photos Nat! Such history all around you…can’t wait to see the LO’s you come up with from this trip.


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Photos: Papirfest – Norway, Stavanger

I had such a blast at the Papirfest workshops,event and during sightseeing. Thank you so much Grethe and May Lis and all the numerous helpers for taking so good care of me and making my stay super special!

The whole journey was sourrounded by…in retrospective funny stories- LOL – beginning with my flights. From the school class – including a young girl that never flew before and her stupid boyfriend telling her all about planecrashes next to me – I was about to say “hi pretty girl- you so deserve better, dish him” – LOL – to the members of a well known motor cycle club where one had a special discussion with the steward why an economy class ticket means economy even when you are huge, tattooed and not really comfy in the small seat. And then at the airport how I was witness how said members of the club were instantly greeted by a huge bunch of police and arrested.

Linda Brun, who is the sweetest !!! – picked me up from the airport and we went to the beach right away – so wonderful and beautiful light!






The classes were so much fun – the girls were all amazing and I loved how different again all layouts and minialbums turned out :)


I crashed into bed and was all of a suddent awake at 2am when I got a phonecall by a dear friend who forgot the time difference from Australia to Europe- LOL – and then at 4 am – when I thought – wowsie- my cell phone alarm is REALLY loud – I realized- no …it was the firealarm. Great…everytime I’m sleeping at a hotel there is firealarm. Makes you think…hum? So I told the girls in the hall way that I don’t care- I stay in the hotel room (that is sooo wrong I know- but I tell you I was sooo crashed). As the alarm did not stop and I was in floor 14 it dawned on me “I don’t wanna die”- so I ran down the fourteen flights – met all my jammy girls – LOL – and we stood there for an hour until the firemen assured us it was indeed a false alarm. Back in the room some neighbors unbeknownst to me thought it was a good time to celebrate their survival by being extremly friendly to each other…so it was it with the sleeping- LOL.

After an amazing yummie breakfast Ingvild Bolme picked me up- it was so awesome to finally meet her and we had a great time together in Stavanger.




Beautiful white wooden houses in the old part- I loved them so much!


We went to a Sardine Cannery museum and learnt a lot :) especially how you could recognize back then which worker handled which machine when outside the cannery ;) – and I figured that they painted the little silver plastic fish with Glimmer Glaze to make them look smoked – If I have to guess…Cowboy Glimmer Glaze-  snigger



We had some yummie Cheesecake and chatted even more






And the end of the sightseeing was the Hafrsfjord – Swords – a national monument – very impressive!






I was really sad to say bye bye to Ingvild- but I know I will see her soon again :)

The second round of classes was wonderful too – I had so much fun – but I forgot to take pictures- really bad!

We all were pretty tired when we went to the hotel…only to realize, that right next to the hotel was a huge Techno party going on -I could hear the beats till 3am on the 14th floor- crazy. At least no firealarm- LOL.

The flight back was …interesting- LOL – since the same mentioned passengers from the flight to Stavanger were brought to the airport by the police and accompanied into the airplane.

As said it was awesome! I love Norway – or at least what I saw so far – the roughness, light, the people- wonderful country! I’m sure I will be back one day!

  • Maia Lurry


    yeah,I just thought you might want to know that your blog is messed up whenever you view it on my iphone. I?m not positive if it’s some thing to accomplish with my telephone?s browser or your site? just stating…


  • Ania


    LOL! Haha..glad you had a great time :D


  • Linda64


    Hi Nat!
    Great post and fab pictures.. So nice to spend the weekend together with all the fun and crazy things happened. I’m really looking forward to september..

    ps. where did the ‘us on the beach picture’ ended?? :-)))))


  • Ingvild Bolme


    Great post Nat! ;O)
    Thank you for a great day, I had an awesome day with you Nat! Can’t wait to see you again soon!



  • Kim Sonksen


    Norway is an amazing country – I love it there.
    Awesome pictures and even better stories :)


  • Wenche


    Hi Nathalie :)
    Thank you so much for a great weekend!! It was so nice to get to know you and I’m sure that you will remember this trip for a while *lol*
    Big hugs, Wenche :0)


  • Sarale


    Hey Nat,

    was für eine Geschichte, da ging es ja Rund auf Deiner Reise, liest sich richtig gut!




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ScrapJause 2011

What can I say…I’m tired but inspired :) Our event was so much fun. Anna and I arrived on Thursday and did some work and organization before the event started…still having some time to sit in the wonderful sun outside :)

Was kann ich sagen…ich bin müde aber inspiriert :) Unser Event hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Anna und ich sind am Donnerstag angekommen und haben noch einige Arbeiten erledigt, bevor das Event dann began…aber wir hatten trotzdem noch Zeit in der wunderschönen Sonne draußen zu sitzen :)


We started Saturday with my Layout Workshop “The thoughts are free”

Los ging es am Samstag mit meinem Layout Workshop ” Die Gedanken sind frei”

and continued with Anna’s Canvas Workshop
und machten mit Annas Leinwand Workshop weiter



Here is my canvas in progress :)
Hier ist meine unvollendete Leinwand :)

The last workshop was my Minialbum workshop – well…I did really not take a lot of pictures-
Der letzte Workshop war mein Minialbum Workshop…ich habe leider nicht genug Photos geschossen – Charlotte :)

The next day we woke up and all was white outside
Am nächsten Tag wachten wir auf und alles war weiß draußen

Anna taught her wonderful two classes and I taught my Canvas Workshop this time.
Anna gab ihre zwei wunderbaren Workshops und ich habe meinen Leinwand Workshop gegeben.


As always my favorite thing was that all pieces were different and that the students had fun to work – for some of them – outside the box.
Wie immer war ich besonders glücklich darüber, dass alle Werke unterschiedlich aussahen und dass die Teilnehmer Spaß bei den Workshops hatten – für einige vor allem dabei, einmal etwas völlig anderes zu tun.

Thank you Birgit for organising with us- you are wonderful!
Danke Birgit für das Mitorganisieren – Du bist großartig

I believe the only picture of Anna and me – at the airport today…we were really too busy to take a lot of photos- if you have some…please please share!!!!

Ich glaube das ist das einzige Photo von Anna und mir – am Flughafen heute- wir waren wirklich zu eingspannt, als dass wir ans Foto machen hätten denken können…wenn Ihr welche habt…bitte bitte schicken !!!!

Thank you all for everything- especially to all those of you who drove or flew hours and hours! We had a wonderful time with you!
Danke Euch allen für Alles-besonders an diejenigen von Euch – die Stunde um Stunde gefahren und geflogenb sind! Wir hatten eine großartige Zeit mit Euch!

  • Michaela


    I was a wonderful weekend! I had soo much fun. Thanks for all the inspiration. Hope to see you again. Hugs. Michaela


  • Birgit


    it was a wounderful time with you and Anna. I miss you and our nights in the kitchen :-)) your workshops was sooooooooo fantastic!!! Thanks for all… hugs hugs


  • finnabair


    Thanks a million once again, you cute creature :) You are surely the sweetest:) :*
    It was just amazing. I’m missing you so much :(


  • christiane


    this sounds fab!! i’m sooo looking forward to denmark!! :D


  • zeffy


    Natalie…just want to tell you that Anna was my inspiration for these….thanks! take a look at my blog….I just loved your book


  • charlotte ravn


    Thank you soooo much for an awsome weekend! You girls rock and you classes were all so great.
    Huge hugs


  • rachel carlson


    oh my goodness, thanks for the peek inside. looks like it was a huge success. cheers to both of you. yay!!!


  • Kim Sonksen


    It looks like you have had oodles of fun and your canvas looks WICKED


  • Martha Richardson


    Looks like you had sooooo much fun…and the creativity was right off the chart.


  • Cuchy


    You look sooo happy!!


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