I am back from my workshops and vacation in Italy. Boy it was fun…and the weather was amazing…and you know what this means? It means picture time ;) Lemme start with the first part of sightseeing in Rome …ahhh Roma…I love Rome. 14 years ago I was in Rome for the first time, as a student…I lost my heart to this city.
It is by far my favorite city in the world. I love Italy anyway…well- as a half Italian that is not a wonder, huh? LOL. I think actually my chatty fun part is the Italian part , the one talking to you right now ;) and the orderly, punctual part is the German one- hehehe. It is two souls in me…fighting with each other a lot ;) But anyway…stop rambling…
My hubs joined me this time, having himself a conference in Rome. He did a lot of research and found an amazing apartment in Rome – with a wonderful terrace looking towards St. Peter’s Basilica. We spent a lot of time on that terrace and had a lot of meals (and also some drinks ;) ) on there.
The first evening though I took my husband to a restaurant – La Veranda. There are some wonderful memories tied to that restaurant as my friends and I back then …starving students- LOL – splurged in the most expensive dinner we ever had back then, in a very fancy restaurant right around the corner of Vatican city. It was delicious and we still talk about this a lot when we see each other. They treated us like kings although we were obviously looking…ahem…not like their usual guests and we were loud …but they laughed at our delighted “ahhs” and “nom noms” and I think they had as much fun with us as we with them…because we weren’t the usual stiff crowd…. They even made an effort of treating us extra nice and we had like six waiters…and they liked us even more when we also paid- LOL. Anyway- much to my delight I can say, the restaurant is as awesome as it was before….The food….soooogoooooddddd
My husband and I had a day overlapping of the conference and the workshops and each of us had a full day alone sightseeing. I had decided since I had visited the Colosseum and the Forum Romanum extensively as part of my art and history excursion as a student, that I just wanted to stroll along the sights a bit
It was funny, because looking from the outside I recalled how amazed I was when I was inside and by the fact that they were able to empty out this almost 2000 year old stadium that could hold about 50 000 in case of an emergency in about a couple minutes. Weird the things you remember, eh?
This by the way also reminded me on what an amazing amazing teacher I had. Mr. Willbrandt…you were awesome – I think you are retired by now and I hope some day our paths cross again and I can tell you what a wonderful gift of teaching you had! Loved every single lesson and especially the Rome trip with you!
I walked a LOT…and every corner you turn – you see something else that is full with history and beauty…you can feel the history in this city…
Meeting friends in the evening was another highlight- here is the #iahappycab group reunited ;)
Friday morning I spent more time strolling around…and ….guess what…I WALKED A LOT .
Indeed I walked sooo much that I needed to refuel on calories ;) and Barbara from TimbroScrapMania invited me after setting up the workshops for the weekend, to Fassi to eat to the hugest ice cream I have ever eaten in my entire live
…(yes the ice cream is almost as big as our faces…and believe me…I have a huge head ;) )… I couldn’t refuse….
And so couldn’t the Italian Firemen that just parked their “little” truck at the side of the street, making everyone in the store jump up and run out to see if there was something happening. A group of firemen …eating gelato….not too bad of a sight ;) ;) ;)
Oh wait…where is the picture of the guys????…sorry to let you hang…I still do not like to take pictures up close of strangers…I think it is a bit rude sometimes when people push their camera in stranger’s face and I hadn’t had my big lens with me.
Next pictures I show you will be from the workshops – it was such a good time.
Have to catch up on emails and stuff…and please cross fingers that our luggage will be found and sent …sigh
Where did you eat the best ice cream ever?
Huge hugs
Comments (16)
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I think you see more actors walking the streets in NYC than in Hollywood. Last trip to NY I saw Uma Thurman (boy is she tall!!)
Pam in New Jersey
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Rod Stewart at the Saratoga Race Track in Saratoga Springs, New York. He was eating french fries at a concession stand and when my friend and I saw him we were close enough to pick a french fry from his plate. We were stopped in our tracks with our mouths hanging open because we had been listening to his music on the trip to New York. He started laughing and gave us a huge smile. Stupidly we smiled back and stumbled away to tell our husbands.
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Mick Jagger, Downtown Julie Brown, Dustin Hoffman, Meg Ryan, Patricia Clarkson, Ali McGraw, Colin Powell….there were more, but I can’t remember. All were spotted on NYC streets except for Colin Powell, who was in the gift shop of the Waldorf Astoria (where I was meeting a friend, not staying there – who could afford it?!). The most fun was Dustin Hoffman. I was wearing white pants with a black shirt. He was wearing black pants with a white shirt – exact opposites. He looked me up & down and gave me a nice smile. That was back when I was younger and thinner. I don’t think he’d look me up & down today, but he’d probably still smile.
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When I was an acting student in NYC years ago, my best friend in school was Lisa Roberts, Julia Robert’s sister. Julia was just working at Ann Taylor and didn’t have plans to act, yet. She definitely had the charisma and groundedness to do it. She was wonderful. I also went on a date with their brother Eric Roberts, and my massage partner in voice class was Dylan Mcdermott. A lifetime ago.
I want to see the dresses too!
Dara Lynn
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Ready to see the dresses Nat!!!!
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I saw Willie Nelson in the airport one time – he came up behind me in line – we chatted for a few minutes – he was going to Hawaii and i was going to Nashville – we laughed. I didn’t ask for a pic – i was being nice. I’ve regretted that ever since.
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Looks like so much fun!! I don’t think I have ever seen a celebrity.
Sue Clarke
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Love diners like Mel’s and we have a couple around here.
Celebs? No big names since they don’t come to mind, but I did win a trip to NYC to tour the All My Children (soap opera) set and it was fun. I had lunch with a hunk from the show. BTW, I could eat most of that cake I’m sure. YUM!
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Ha ha ha… really made me laugh… and had a butterfly or two in my tummy!! In october we went from Denmark to California and on our trip we stayed in Venice Beach for 8 days and of course visited Los Angeles. We have been exactly where you have shown pictures from!!! Even Mel’s Diner :-) :-) Loved that place and the 50’es decor. And my two oldest boys took pictures of ALL our meals. I kid you not :-) :-) We have SOO many food pictures! But we just had the greatest trip and I really wish I could go again. (allthough me body wouldn’t like to eat like that all the time :-) :-) ) Enjoy, and have a safe trip home, when you’re done!
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Never mind which celebrities I’ve met (quite a few actually, one actor wanted me to join him in his hotel room… ), I WANT THAT CAKE!
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Fab piccies. That is one hell of a piece of chocolate cake!
Jenny Palmer
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I have met a football star he was really lovely my son who has autism ran into him and he was so sweet and very gentle also some tv stars here in Australia Kate Richie from Home and Away and other shows
but my son when he grew up went to England and met David Tennant [talk about me being jealous such eye candy]
Glad you had a great time Nat
Mary Hutchinson Hicks
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About 20 years ago (maybe more!) I was in Aspen, sitting in a bar having a beer with my husband. I looked across the bar and there, sitting in the corner, was John Denver. My heart melted.
And I also got the autograph of Mickey Dolenz’s sister…way back in ’67. That was really thrilling!
Kathy P
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Oh, your pictures are really lovely, and you did a LOT for one day!!! I have a daughter who has lived in LA since graduating from college in 1996. Whenever we visit her, we will be somewhere and she will say “Oh, there’s…..” or, “did you see who just walked past us?” I never did…they look totally different in ‘normal’ clothes and no makeup!!!
Wasn’t Mel’s awesome? Now you can see why Americans are so overweight…..our servings have become way too generous!! Glad you had a great time!
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Looks like you two had fun! Also: I want to see the dresses!!!
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Many, many years ago I saw Bob Hope driving. We waved at him & he even waved back. I saw Dinah Shore at an event I was working at. And I met Burt Reynolds & got a photo with him. I also saw Barbara Eden at a restaurant I worked at. That was all a very long time ago & I haven’t seen anyone famous since then! Hope you are having a fabulous time in the USA!