Hello 2016,
you have been such a strange year. I had high hopes for you! My word to live by with you was “Badassery”.
I intended it to mean that I take more action, be more firm, stop procrastinating and seize the day, take opportunities also …just finally feel more at ease with myself. Well …partly I succeeded. Being the most wonderful one, that I accomplished a long time dream of mine and wrote a book …in English (yes, that was pretty Badassery for a Kraut, or so I think) and I cannot wait for it to be out in 2017. I took opportunities and worked a lot this year …maybe too much. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed working, but I felt as if for every step I moved forward …I moved three steps back. But the steps I leapt forward were some of the coolest ever and I am excited about those and I need to remind myself to think of those instead of the steps back. It is a dance after all.
But, unfortunately, 2016, you took “Badassery” to a whole new meaning, you really kicked my behind …and many others. There is a German word that sums up my feelings for you in general, 2016 , it is called “Weltschmerz” – literally translated “World Pain” – it means – a feeling of melancholy and world-weariness – . So many terrible things happened around the world, some of them just recently -and you could feel the pain everywhere. …and so I am saying farewell to you Badassery aka 2016 – with some relief. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out! Be sure I choose my word for 2017 wisely …that I learned, 2016!
Yours truly, not so badassery
Comments (5)
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A wonderful quote and great idea to start off the year 2017.
Daniela Rogall
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Dear Nat,
I wish the same for you.
Greetings from Germany
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Frohes Neues Jahr Daniela!! <3
Gloria J Zucaro
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PEACE! Just wanting some quiet peaceful, loving times!
Linda. Faber
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I wish the same for you Nathalie! Thank you for all your talent, inspiration and generosity through the year. And of course, now I’m hooked on Art Foamies!! Love the batik! Excited to Jumpstart with everyone in 2017! Peace, yes and love always.