I wanted to share a little Flip Through video of my newly finished Pattern Sample Book. I started Nat’s April Patterns back at the start of April with my new rubber stamps and decided to bind them together in one book. It was relaxing and super fun to create the patterns and now I have an awesome resource for inspiration. Enjoy the flip through!
Pattern Sample Book Flip Through from Nathalie Kalbach on Vimeo.
Here are some of the patterns from the video:

Using my Floral Tile Large, Floral Tile Small, and Fan-fare rubber stamp sets.

Using my Hex Set Large and Hex Set Small.

Here I used my Fan-tastic Large set, the Solid Fan, and a stamp from the Fan-fare set.

This one uses the Fan-tastic Small set, the Solid Fan Small, and the Small Circle Jumble set.

And this one uses my Large Circle Jumble set, the Solid Fan in the large size, Small Circle Jumble set, Fan-tastic Small, and Fan-fare.
I hope you enjoyed this and are inspired to try some patterns of your own. All my new Rubber Stamps can be found in my Online Shop. Here are the supplies I used for these patterns:
Comments (1)
Rae Lynn
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Gorgeous work!