Blog: Urban Scribble

More hours or …. In My Art Journal Today


“I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see!” John Burroghs

Apparently I didn’t find the day too short to repeat myself but was at the same time not concentrated enough to write everything grammatically right in my art journal spread -LOL – can you spy it? Oh man, embarrassing but …oh well… here you go … the real deal;)

I played with different greens and yellow and orange acrylic paint and stamped the city shape using the pattern art of my Urban Scribble foam stamp with purple as a nice contrast to the orange. I applied the paint with a brayer to the foam stamp- goes quick and easy.


As you can see in the WIP (Work In Progress) Picture above I added a little border to my stencil in the set with duct tape as to prevent over spraying when using the stencil with spray paint. Here I just added paint to the surface, then placed the stencil on top and rubbed areas of paint off with a baby wipe – at other spots I stenciled through the stencil.

Urban Scribble Stamp Set

For the Journaling I used a bamboo sketching pen and black acrylic ink- I love to write with the pen …so much, that I like to double my words ;)


What would you do if you had more hours in the day?

Here is a list of the supplies, I used for the art journal spread above.


Comments (2)

  • Joi@RR


    No one can make a skyline look like you Nat. This is just INCREDIBLE. The background is sooo YUMMY and the colors so BRILLIANTLY FABULOUS. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this and your urban scribble. No – can’t see any mistakes at all. GORGEOUS to me. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY sweet Nathalie. You are dear to me. ❤❤j


  • Kim Collister


    Loved your post and your journal pages! Great Color!


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