Art Mesa Mixed Media Event – Madrid 2013 – June 29



Wooohoooo!!! This is the 3rd Art Mesa that Cuchy and I have in Madrid on June 2013. You can find the Art Mesa Blog with all the Details here.

The last two years we had a wonderful time with our students- the hotel is beautiful and we had lot’s of privacy in hour huge workshop room with the private terrace, the weather was awesome, the workshops were fun – It was just the best!

Again we will teach each one workshop:


29.06.2012 –  10.00 hs. – 14.00 hs.

Season Canvas

En este taller con Nathalie Kalbach, crearás un increíble y único lienzo que será un maravilloso objeto de decoración.

Aprende cómo crear dimension y textura con papel tissue, objetos de uso diario, pintura acrílica, encaje, arpillera y gesso

Aprende como sacar una textura interesante y llamativa con pintura acrílica y tintas acrílicas. Añade algunas técnicas de estampación sobre todo ello.

Iremos añadiendo muchas capas y dimensión para hacer un lienzo de primavera, verano, otoño o invierno… como quieras. Todas las técnicas pueden aplicarse fácilmente en futuros proyectos.

In this Workshop with Nathalie Kalbach, you will create a stunning and unique canvas that will be a wonderful home décor item.

Learn how to create dimension and texture with tissue paper, items of daily life, acrylic paint, lace, burlap, and gesso.

Learn how to reveal the interesting and eye catching texture with acrylic paints and acrylic inks and add some fun stamping techniques on top.

We will be adding lots of layers and dimension to make this a spring, summer, fall or winter canvas… just as you like. All the techniques can easily be applied to future projects.




29.06.2012 – 16,00 hs. – 20,00 hs.


En este taller con Cuchy, crearemos un diario desde cero, con una base de encuadernación japonesa.

Un proyecto delicado al que “contar” nuestros pensamientos más secretos.

Personalizaremos nuestro diario creando distintas texturas con gesso, pasta y sellos. Añadiremos color con barras de tinta y profundidad con grafito, para acabar decorándolo con papel, foil y utee.

Una mezcla de técnicas y elementos que estimularán nuestra creatividad.

¡Te esperamos!

In this workshop with Cuchy, you will create a personal diary from scratch, using a japanese bookbinding technique.

A delicate project to which “tell” your secret thoughts

You will customize your diary creating textures with gesso, paste and stamps, adding colours with ink blocks and depth with graphite, and embellishing with paper, foil and utee.

A mixture of techniques and elements which will encourage your creativity.


We hope to see you at Art Mesa :)



Have a gorgeous day


Comments (5)

  • Eeva Hall


    Any plans to come here this year?? Waiting for one secret teacher to be revealed in october and something else in august…please let it be you :-)


  • Cecilia


    I’ll be there again, I can not miss it!!!!


  • Sue Clarke


    I really need to win the lottery so that I can spend my time flying from country to country attending your workshops Nat.


  • mjmarmo


    THese look like wonderful workshops!


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