My wonderful friend Tina Walker is at it again – she invited several people to join her Stencilfied Prompts. The prompts are music related and each week she is posting a song. You can be inspired by the lyrics, the video, the album cover or anything related and the only restriction is that you have to use StencilGirl Product Stencils. Here is my take on Prompt 3:
This week’s prompt is “Iris” by the Goo Goo Dolls” and I love the part of the lyrics which says ” I want you to know who I am”
I used my Downtown Stencil and sprayed with a nice teal color over it. Something about this stencil always screams teal and gold to me and so I also added some gold Gesso here and there and then used Neopastels to paint the face on top.
I love that the gold gesso actually resisted the pastels a bit I assume because of the texture and that is peaks out here and there in the face -nice happy accident :)
Here are some of the supplies I used besides some acrylic paint:
One of my favorite songs ever!
Reminds me of singing in the car with friends when I was a teenager and then again when my son was younger and he and his friends sang it with me. This song will live on forever since it’s just that good.