A couple of weeks ago I was invited to attend an event by Winsor & Newton for the launch of their new Pigment Marker. Since all colorful new art supplies attract me like shiny objects the magpie – I was super excited to go with my friend Kim.
The event took place at the Society of Illustrators in NYC. Several wonderful and well known illustrators were showcased with their work using the new Pigment Markers and even did some life drawing. Will Broome did these adorable figures.
The images below by Thomas Cian were my favorite – I love the collage like effect he draw – sooo cool!
I also loved these by Katie Rodgers – the colors and the beautiful little specks that add some texture <3 – she uses sometimes glitter or gesso or other media on top of the Pigment Marker or Watercolor when she illustrates.
I loved that we were able to play with the new Pigment Markers. Here is Kim giving them a try. She and I totally loved the white and clear blender Pigment Marker which give a huge possibility while drawing – creating nice tints and blending colors together. The talent around us was amazing … you could definitely tell who was there for the food and drinks and who was there for playing and seeing some beautiful illustrations ;)
Mara Louise Cespon did the one below- gorgeous color and swwooooonnnnn, so inspiring – and I think above (I apologize if not)
I will show you soon how I played a bit with my new sets of Pigment Markers even though they are not acrylics (psshhhh don’t tell anyone ;) ) – they are wonderful especially on more glossy paper – think of awesome possibilities with coloring stamped images!
It was a fun, colorful and sparking event!
It was SUPER !!!