Blog: Workshops

Do More of What Makes You Happy or….The InkPad Workshop

I taught a class called Über*Media Backgrounds at The Ink Pad in New York City. It was a bit different in format as I did this class in two parts- the first part was at the end of October and the second yesterday.



The first part was dedicated to creating with all kinds of background techniques and making your own paper for an later art journal. It was loads of fun.



We used lot’s of different media





and played a lot with my StencilGirl Product stencils






the second part was about layering and taking the backgrounds even further and of course finally using them – in this case for an art journal






















I had a blast and loved the colorful creations of the girls. I also like the concept of an ongoing class – it gives you so many possibilities and is a great way for everyone to deepen the learned stuff and then take it further. And on top- I met “my girls” again . This might be something I will be doing again ;) – who knows ;)

What kind of classes do you prefer: One time and in person, on-going and in-person, online and just a short block or an ongoing online class?

Have a gorgeous day



Comments (11)

  • Jackie


    WOW! What fun Nat! It would be So Cool to be able to create with you- therefore I’d like an ongoing face to face! When can we schedule it for?!! LOL Wish we had somewhere around us that you could come teach at- no privately owned stamp/scrapbook stores within 75 miles from me :(
    Seriously, I would prefer face to face with instructor, on-going for sure or ongoing online. Thanks for sharing with us! hugs xo


  • Sue turchick


    Definitely in person! Love connecting with everyone elses’s energy and creativity. Nice meeting you, Nathalie!


  • Madeline Rains


    I like both online and in person. I’ve only had in person once! It was a few weeks ago in Charlotte when Julie taught there. I loved doing it live with the teacher’s inspiration right there. But there is something to be said for taking your time in your own studio, pausing when you need to and rewatching when necessary. I’d love an ongoing class.


  • petyvic


    I prefer online classes as i can enter the classroom whenever i want to check and/or refresh forgotten details. There are so many techs, that is impossible to remember all!…Thanks for your time, Nat!


  • Sue Clarke


    I really like in person and have never had ongoing but might like it.
    That being said, online means that I can go back and look over tuts again.


  • Ursula


    Beim schmaddern bist du in deinem Element *lol* Aber die Ergbnisse gefallen selbst clean&simple Anhängern wie mir ;)) Und die Adresse von diesem “vielversprechenden” Laden ist natürlich schon gespeichert – ich muss zu ggbner Zeit ja auch irgendwo shoppen gehen ;)
    LG Ursula


  • Denise spillane


    Looks like fun


  • Amante del Papel




  • Rob


    The classes sound great Nat. Love the concept of ongoing classes. It gives people the chance to explore what they do in the first class before moving on to the next step. I’d love to have that stamp shop near me, LOVE all of those wood mounted stamps in the background.


  • Seth


    Looks like it was a ton of fun Nat!


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Baltic Sea / Ostsee Scrap Event – Photos

What a beautiful weekend teaching at the Ostsee Scrap Event (Baltic Sea Event). The location was awesome – just a 15 minute walk from the beach, wonderful room with our own private terrace, wonderful students, great organiser and co-teacher and filling yummie food. What more can you ask for?

Here are some pictures of my morning stroll to the beach – it was awesome -almost no one at the beach – sun shining already – calm and relaxing. I walked for two hours and it totally relaxed me – good way to start then off the workshops :)






It was awesome to meet my sweet friend Andrea again and to meet Barbara for the first time. Here is Andrea in action teaching



and here I am with  Dani, the organiser and Barbara



We had lot’s of fun all together during a photo shooting session that Andrea had during her workshop – with some nice accessories- LOL





After that we had to eat the biggest, yummiest home-made oven fresh cream puffs with a cherry sauce filling I have ever seen in my entire life…went right on the hips ;)


It might have been the sugar high that made me pulls some pretty hilarious faces while teaching…I have no other excuse actually ;)



We used lot’s of yummie Liquitex Products and thank you Liquitex for sending me some of the Liquitex Professional Spray Paints and Professional Markers – they found some happy winners :)



and here are some canvases from my Season Texture Class



and of the Be Awesome Be a Book Nut class. Of course I forgot to take pictures of my layout class (I will never learn-  LOL)



And last but not least a picture of our wonderful group!



Danke Mädels- es hat super großen Spaß mit Euch gemacht!!!!

There is nothing better when a great relaxed creative workshop weekend!

Huge hugs




Comments (8)

  • rains


    I’ve been to this area! My father in law lives near there. I wish we’d visited while you were teaching. Looked like a great weekend.


  • Anke


    Es war toll dich mal live kennenzulernen.

    Lg Anke aus dem Norden


  • Sue Clarke


    I’ve never seen those beach chairs in person (just in the movies)…they look so comfy for reading a book by the ocean. Love the funny photos. Looks like it was a great weekend!


  • Donna


    I had to chuckle at your comment about forgetting to take photos. It happens to me a lot, I get caught up with the FUN and well that isn’t really so bad, is it? Your weekend looks like loads of creative fun. thanks for sharing.



  • Martha Richardson


    Looks like a fun time was had by all…great photos & the cream puff….WOW!


  • Lorraine aka grannypoppy


    It looks like you had a great time :) I love those beach chairs! I saw them last year for the first time when I visited Warnemunde. Are they a common sight on Baltic beaches?


    • Nathalie Kalbach


      Lorraine, ohhh I love them too :) Yes those beach chairs are very common at the Baltic Sea and also the North Sea here in Germany. I looked into this after your comment and it looks as if actually those beach chairs – which we call beach baskets literally translated, were first made in Warnemünde Germany :) So I assume we can call it a typical German thing- which I wasn’t aware of. Fun :) Thanks for your question- it made me learn something new too :) huge hugs


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Art Venture 2014 in Anaheim, California

Wohooo :)

ArtVenture Announcement


ArtVenture Details


Click here for full details and to register!

Have a wonderful day!
huge hugs

Comments (4)

  • marjiekemper


    Sweeeeeeeet! You’ve made my day with this news and I have just registered… really looking forward to these days of fun and education before CHA.


    • Nathalie Kalbach


      WOOOWw- that is sooo cool!!!! Cannot wait to see you there !!!


  • mjmarmo


    Wow – this looks amazing!


  • Anne Porretta


    Nat, we need a smiling picture of you!


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Stockholm Scrap & Pearl Event- Photos


I had such a wonderful time in Sweden, Stockholm last weekend at the Scrap & Pearl Event. Sofia and Peter organized this amazing event where about 1000 people came to crop, craft and have a good time. 21 stores were also making sure the shopping fun got included. Here is a photo of the place before the event – add some table lines to the left and you might get a little feel of how big it was ;).



It was massive and I have the biggest respect for Sofia and Peter putting this event together. They did an AWESOME job organizing it! I have never seen such a huge amount of goodie bags and since I am used to packing kits which takes FOREVER – I can only imagine how much time went just into packing these – well actually I know how long it took the two of them plus their kids to pack them…you don’t even wanna know!


I taught 3 classes that were all sold out – and I had so much fun with my super talented and fun Swedish students. We laughed a lot. Here are some pictures of my Be Awesome, Be a Book Nut Class which I taught two times.



And here are a few ladies I caught to take a picture off after my Portrait of a Lady class, I still have to get better at taking photos at workshops ;)



Another highlight was as always meeting many wonderful new and also some people I know. Here is one of my most loyal online students Anne Kristin. It was so wonderful to finally meet her in person!



And Sara, who shared her beautiful book with me where she played along with our The Whatevers! So much fun to see this !



Kattiz from K-Designs who creates wonderful paper- lovveeee it- and I will actually teach a layout class with some of her paper soon at the Ostsee Scrap Event. Wonderful personality too! I will share some work with her papers soon :)



Anna Björklund who was one of my super talented Jumpstarters in this year’s Creative JumpStart. She is wonderful and I am so happy I had the chance to spent some time with her at breakfast!



And Sofia of course who rocked organizing the event and who makes me laugh a lot :)



Many many other amazing people I loved to meet- including my sweet Danish Friends and Mia and Per- too bad we didn’t take a photo! It was wonderful to see you again!

And here is a picture of the yummiest sweetest gift I have EVER received by a student. This cake is to die for and my husband agrees…I have to hide it from him – LOL – Thank you so much Ulrika- you are AWESoME and I still think you should open a cafe with homemade cake…maybe with a little craft area? !

Also thank you Gerd for the wonderful book you gave me and Tammy for the yummy Chocolate! I am sooo spoiled – I have the best students EVER!



And I know by now you might be tired of my pictures…but I cannot leave you without showing you this picture of my loved ones while talking to them online from Stockholm….the look at our cat makes me laugh soooo much. Poor guy- he could just not comprehend where the voice was coming from -LOL



Wishing you a gorgeous day

huge hugs


In-Person Nathalie Kalbach In-Person Workshops
I teach in-person classes around the world on a variety of topics. Check out if I am near you.

Online Workshops – Über*Media
My Über*Media series is dedicated to techniques with different media.


Comments (15)

  • cal8007


    Looks like you taught some awesome techniques, Nath!!


  • andrenesmith


    That room is enormous… bet everyone had a great time!! Still waiting for you to come back to the east coast of the US! The photo of your cats face is priceless….my dog just glances at the screen and walks off like “whatever”! Gotta love ’em!!!


  • Laura S


    Hi Nathalie! I never get tired of seeing your pics. Quite the contrary, they make me want to see you more. Hopefully I will get to create with you one day. Sophia must be one organized lady to pull something like this together. Maybe we need her to run for office in the US?! Love your kitty. He is hilarious. Thanks for Always sharing.


  • Cathy Shackelford


    This looks like so much fun! I was at a convention last weekend too, here in the states. Maybe one day I will get to go to a scrap/crop in Europe. I certainly hope so!


  • Milagros


    Woww A spectacular view. Hughs


  • mjmarmo


    Looks like it was fun!


  • Sue Clarke


    Just look at the size of that room! I think that most that I’ve cropped with is about 300 in the room. I always enjoy seeing your pics Nat!


  • Ulrika aka LillBlomman


    It was so fun meeting you again sweets! And your cat got the biggest laugh at our class I think :) Awsome photo! And you know my secret dream? To have a café with a craft area and peaople can hang their art on the walls! See you in august! Hugs!


    • Nathalie Kalbach


      You are totally the person to do it!!! Talented, creative AND the best baker!
      See you in August


  • AnnaB


    It was sooo wonderful meeting you again Nat! :)


  • Jackie


    Thank you for sharing Nat! I love reading about your adventures! and your kitty is hysterical! smiles!”)


  • scrapandpearl


    Thank YOU sweet Nathalie for coming and teaching!
    All the students was so happy and grateful!



  • Charlotte Hørdum Ravn


    It was so good to see you sweet girl. Hope we soon meet again, you are always so cool to hang out with! :) Big hugs to you :)


  • Michelle Guest


    My husband is always get the cats to talk to me on the cell phone when I am away from home…


  • MiaKL


    Yes Tooo baaad that we did not take a picture. It was so lovely to see you again!!!!


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OstseeScrap-Tage – Workshop Event in Germany


Ich freue mich riesig über die Einladung zum Ostsee Scrap Event in Boltenhagen vom 3-5. Mai 2013 organisiert von Tolles Ding !


Einen Schatz in Form einer Hotelperle haben wir mit dem liebevoll gestalteten „Tarnewitzer Hof“ gefunden. Laßt Euch auf das Angenehmste überraschen, wenn Ihr das schicke und gepflegte Feriendomizil betretet. Ruhig gelegen und persönlich geführt, nur wenige Minuten vom Strand und der Ostseetherme entfernt, lädt er seine Gäste ein, in harmonischer Atmosphäre mit Küstenflair und direkter Nachbarschaft zu den Salzwiesen, einen angenehmen Aufenthalt auf der Halbinsel Tarnewitz zu verbringen.



Entdeckt auch Ihr die Reichtümer der Küste im Ostseebad Boltenhagen, dem zweitältesten Seebad an der Ostseeküste mit seinem bunten Treiben an kilometerlangen Sandstränden und der romantischen Steilküste, einem Kleinod der Natur.





Freitag, 3.Mai 2013


ab 15.00 Uhr Begrüßung mit Kaffee, hausgebackenem Kuchen und Obst, Verteilung der ersten Material-Kits.
 16.00 – 18.00 Uhr Andrea Gomoll – Karten & Washi Tape
Hier gebt Ihr Karten & Co Eure individuelle Note. Andrea wird Euch verschiedene Techniken zeigen, wie Ihr schnell und in Euren Wunschfarben eigene Washi Tapes fertigt. Mit den Washi Tapes schafft Ihr dann mehr Dimension auf Euren Projekten und kreiert sogar eigene tolle Embellishments.
18.30 – 20.00 Uhr Nathalie Kalbach – Layout  
Hier wird Nathalie mit Euch in die Welt des Papieres tauchen, Kombinationen aus Scrapbooking & Mixed Media lassen ein tolles Layout entstehen.
ab 20.00 Uhr Abendbuffet  – anschließend scrappiges Beisammensein oder gemütlicher Ausklang des Tages an der Bar.


Samstag, 4.Mai 2013


9.00 – 12.00 Uhr Barbara Haane – Album
Hier werdet Ihr mit Barbara ein einzigartiges Scrapbook mit ganz viel Liebe zum Detail erstellen. Lasst Euch mit brandneuen Materialien und Sneaks kurz vorher überraschen.
12.00 – 13.00 Uhr Rustikales Mittagsbuffet
13.00 – 16.00 Uhr Andrea Gomoll – Instax & Layout
Hier bekommt Ihr viele Tipps zur Sofortbild-Fotografie. Im anschließendem Photobooth-Shooting versucht Ihr Euch gleich mal selbst, die Ergebnisse werden dann im Anschluss gleich auf einem tollen Layout verscrappt.
16.00 – 17.30 Uhr Kaffeepause mit hausgebackenem Kuchen & Obst, anschließend kleiner Strandgang.
17.30 – 20.00 Uhr Nathalie Kalbach – Mixed Media
Hier werdet Ihr eine einzigartige Leinwand kreieren, die sich wunderbar als Homedekor eignet. Lernt interessante Texturen der verschiedensten Materialien kennen und erzielt mittels Stempeltechniken noch das Tüpfelchen auf dem I. Ihr werdet in vielen Ebenen arbeiten, um diese Leinwand ganz wie Ihr mögt für den Frühling, den Sommer, den Herbst oder Winter zu gestalten.
ab 20.00 Uhr Abendbuffet  – anschließend scrappiges Beisammensein oder gemütlicher Ausklang des Tages an der Bar.


Sonntag, 5.Mai 2013


 9.00 – 12.00 Uhr Nathalie Kalbach – Album
Hier haucht Ihr mit Nathalie einem einzigartigem alten, eingestaubtem Buch neues Leben ein und füllt es mit eigenen Geschichten und Bildern. Sie zeigt Euch wie mittels Falttechniken die Buchseiten zu einem Kunstwerk werden, kreiert versteckte Taschen zum Verstecken kleiner Schätze und Nachrichten. Neben witzigen neuen Embossingtechniken wird Klebstoff mal in ungewohnter Weise verwendet und es entsteht Euer persönliches Erinnerungsstück oder ein wunderschönes Geschenk!
12.30 – 13.00 Uhr Rustikales Mittagsbuffet
13.00 – 15.00 Uhr Barbara Haane – 2 Layouts
Zum Abschluss wird Barbara mit Euch noch zwei tolle Layouts scrappen. Ein zuvor festgehaltenes Gruppenbild wird eines davon schmücken und an scrappige gemeinsame Stunden erinnern.
15.00 – 16.00 Uhr Ausklang und Verabschiedung
Die Projekt-Abbildungen sind Beispielbilder und werden von den im Mai 2013 aktuellen Material-Kits abweichen, auch minimale Unterschiede innerhalb der Kits sind möglich.

Anmelden könnt Ihr Euch hier.

Ich würde mich freuen, Euch dort zu sehen :)



Über*Media is my series of online workshops that is dedicated to different kinds of media that cross a variety of materials. I also teach project based online workshops which you can find here.

Comments (2)

  • cal8007


    Couldn’t translate the page, but I enjoyed looking at the pictures!! Thanks for sharing!


  • mjmarmo


    Looks like fun!


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Workshops at J.P. Morgan in Luxembourg

Last weekend I had the pleasure to teach 3 workshops at J.P. Morgan in Luxembourg. I was invited by the Social Committee and it was so much fun. It was an amazing crowd of people- very international and with lot’s of languages involved. I was sticking to my two- English and German…my attempt to learn Luxembourgish was poor ;)


We had a really great room…the canteen- which was PERFECT for a workshop – lot’s of light, lot’s of tables, lot’s space, lot’s of yummie snacks ;)


The first class was my Yawp PanPastel Class on Saturday afternoon and we dabbled into a lot of techniques and the students loved playing with the different yummie colors and techniques.






Heating guns were used in wild west style to get the techniques rolling ;)


Sunday morning I taught the Über*Media Acrylic Paint Class first. We covered lots of techniques and made a big pile of background pages for art journals. Not many pictures here- obviously I forgot to take pictures



Next up was the Season /Texture Canvas Class. It was awesome. Most of the students never worked with Acrylic Paints..some even stated to never have held a paint brush in their hand (hard to believe- I know) and they had so much creative fun!


Everyone was very open to try out things, but the best was…they had no finished picture in their head when they started, which made them more open to try new things – I loved that.

So we had a little Monet inspiration going on here


and some Pearl Jam inspired texture galore here


and some rainbow light fun here


and awesome texture flower bouquet inspiration here


some real awesome flower application/transformation here


beautiful text textured flowers here


and a whimsical flower spin here


Here is a group shot with the happy ladies- some had to leave earlier- so there is a lot missing on the photo


Thank you so much everyone who took the classes- it was a wonderful weekend with you and you inspired me a lot too :)

Thank you also to the J.P. Morgan Social Committee for inviting me and to Lydia for inviting me to her home and taking more than good care of me ! You are fab!

I will show you some of my sightseeing pictures in Luxembourg next…what a beautiful little country!

BTW – if you are interested in having me come and teach at your event, store or for a certain private or company group – please feel free to contact me !

You can also check out my In -Person Workshops here and see if I am close soon to where you live or check out my Online Workshops here to take classes whenever you want.

Have a gorgeous day



Comments (6)

  • Kathy Gledsdale


    Amazing work!


  • Jean Marmo


    What a lucky group they are to have you teach!


  • cal8007


    So much fun, and so many techniques!! I wish you could come to Texas!


    Carmen L


  • Kathy Gledsdale


    What wonderful results! Are you coming to the UK at all? The South East of England would be just amazing!!!!!!!


  • Sue Clarke


    How funny that at most crops that I go to someone usually uses a heat gun or an ATG to “be a cowgirl”. Great techniques and colors. That space looks wonderful…big and bright.


  • basementgal


    Wonderful pictures Nathalie. I had a brilliant time and absolutely loved it. Thank you for all of your inspiration.


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Workshops in Sweden – Stockholm August 31-September 1, 2013

liten logga

Wohooo – so happy to come back to Sweden this year to teach at the Creative Moments Event organized by Scrap-Perra.

I will teach 3 workshops – here they are

Season Canvas: 
In this Workshop with Nathalie Kalbach, you will create a stunning and unique canvas that will be a wonderful home décor item.Learn how to create dimension and texture with tissue paper, items of daily life, acrylic paint, lace, burlap, and gesso.

Learn how to reveal the interesting and eye catching texture with acrylic paints and acrylic inks and add some fun stamping techniques on top.

We will be adding lots of layers and dimension to make this a spring, summer, fall or winter canvas… just as you like. All the techniques can easily be applied to future projects.

Classtime is 4 hours.

Über-Media Acrylic Paint: 
In this workshop you learn how to use Acrylic Paints in your Art Journal. This class shows all kinds of possibilities using Acrylic Paints with different media.We will start with the basics then make our way up to more advanced techniques. Everything will be taught in an art journal.

I will share with you my favorites, whether it be how to build up interesting backgrounds, resist techniques or incorporating other paint media for stunning layers. I will share with you why I’m doing things, how I got the idea, and what works and what doesn’t seem to work.

Join the uber-fun in this class!

Class is at least 4 hours.

Are you ready to dive into art journaling? Let’s sound a barbaric YAWP over the rooftops of the world and get ready for a lot of creative freedom. I will teach you how to create your own easy to create art journal using wonderful PanPastels.Learn mixing, blending, painting and drawing with those soft pastels. Learn how to get stunning results with different resist techniques and fun stamping tricks using embossing powders and other paint media.

You can easily apply all of the learned techniques to later projects whether it be art journals, mixed media and even scrapbooking projects.

Looking forward to yawp along with you in this 3 1/2 hour-long class.

I am so thrilled to teach with also my sweet friends Birgit Koopsen and Janna Werner and to meet Asa Danielsson.

Officiell logga webshop

it is going to be lot’s of fun!

If you want to know where else I am teaching this year- you can check my in-person Workshop schedule! Hope to meet you!!!

Have a gorgeous day


Comments (6)

  • Eeva Hall


    I’ll see you there!!! Just waiting for the final dates and time of the workshops so we can book :-) .


  • Gunvor


    I’m so happy you’re coming to Stockholm again! Now, what course to go …


  • mjmarmo


    Looks like fun!


  • Gerd Andersson


    I’m really looking forward to this event and your workshops!




    I really hope I see you there! malin

    >—-Ursprungligt meddelande—-


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Art Mesa Mixed Media Event – Madrid 2013 – June 29



Wooohoooo!!! This is the 3rd Art Mesa that Cuchy and I have in Madrid on June 2013. You can find the Art Mesa Blog with all the Details here.

The last two years we had a wonderful time with our students- the hotel is beautiful and we had lot’s of privacy in hour huge workshop room with the private terrace, the weather was awesome, the workshops were fun – It was just the best!

Again we will teach each one workshop:


29.06.2012 –  10.00 hs. – 14.00 hs.

Season Canvas

En este taller con Nathalie Kalbach, crearás un increíble y único lienzo que será un maravilloso objeto de decoración.

Aprende cómo crear dimension y textura con papel tissue, objetos de uso diario, pintura acrílica, encaje, arpillera y gesso

Aprende como sacar una textura interesante y llamativa con pintura acrílica y tintas acrílicas. Añade algunas técnicas de estampación sobre todo ello.

Iremos añadiendo muchas capas y dimensión para hacer un lienzo de primavera, verano, otoño o invierno… como quieras. Todas las técnicas pueden aplicarse fácilmente en futuros proyectos.

In this Workshop with Nathalie Kalbach, you will create a stunning and unique canvas that will be a wonderful home décor item.

Learn how to create dimension and texture with tissue paper, items of daily life, acrylic paint, lace, burlap, and gesso.

Learn how to reveal the interesting and eye catching texture with acrylic paints and acrylic inks and add some fun stamping techniques on top.

We will be adding lots of layers and dimension to make this a spring, summer, fall or winter canvas… just as you like. All the techniques can easily be applied to future projects.




29.06.2012 – 16,00 hs. – 20,00 hs.


En este taller con Cuchy, crearemos un diario desde cero, con una base de encuadernación japonesa.

Un proyecto delicado al que “contar” nuestros pensamientos más secretos.

Personalizaremos nuestro diario creando distintas texturas con gesso, pasta y sellos. Añadiremos color con barras de tinta y profundidad con grafito, para acabar decorándolo con papel, foil y utee.

Una mezcla de técnicas y elementos que estimularán nuestra creatividad.

¡Te esperamos!

In this workshop with Cuchy, you will create a personal diary from scratch, using a japanese bookbinding technique.

A delicate project to which “tell” your secret thoughts

You will customize your diary creating textures with gesso, paste and stamps, adding colours with ink blocks and depth with graphite, and embellishing with paper, foil and utee.

A mixture of techniques and elements which will encourage your creativity.


We hope to see you at Art Mesa :)



Have a gorgeous day


Comments (5)

  • Eeva Hall


    Any plans to come here this year?? Waiting for one secret teacher to be revealed in october and something else in august…please let it be you :-)


  • Cecilia


    I’ll be there again, I can not miss it!!!!


  • Sue Clarke


    I really need to win the lottery so that I can spend my time flying from country to country attending your workshops Nat.


  • mjmarmo


    THese look like wonderful workshops!


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Mixed Media Circus – The Grand Finale: Book of Techniques Workshop

You’ve asked and now we’re answering!  Watch for descriptions of all the classes we’re teaching to roll out over the next few weeks.  And now, just like a nosy reader, we’re starting at the end.

Ihr habt gefragt und es soll Euch geantwortet werden! Beobachtet, wie all die Workshops, die wir unterrichten, in den nächsten Tagen vorgestellt werden. Und nun, ganz wie ein neugieriger Leser, beginnen wir einfach am Ende.

On Sunday afternoon, November 27th, 2011 – in Hamburg  Germany –  Julie and I will team teach a class called, “The Grand Finale: Book of Techniques.”

Am Sonntag Nachmittag (27. November 2011 in Hamburg) werden Julie und ich gemeinsam einen Workshop mit dem Namen “The Grand Finale: Book of Techniques” – also Das Große Finale: Buch der Techniken” unterrichten.

Use this book as an art journal, scrapbook, or simply a beautiful reference for all of the cool techniques you’ll learn using gesso, gel medium, acrylic paint, and PanPastels (and a special thank you to PanPastel for coming on board as a sponsor of our Mixed Media Circus).  These are some of our favorite supplies and we’ll teach you our favorite techniques using them!  We’ll create texture, play with simple resist techniques, and experiment with paint!  Not only will we share tons of techniques with you, but we will go over all sorts of useful information about these products and give you some easy do’s and don’ts for when you head home!

Verwende dieses Buch als ein Art-Journal, Scrapbook, oder einfach nur als ein wunderschönes Referenzbuch zu all den tollen Techniken unter der Verwendung von Gesso, Gel Medium, Acrylfarben und PanPastels (und einen besonderen Dank an PanPastel für das An-Bord-Kommen als Sponsor unseres Mixed Media Events). Dies sind einige unserer Lieblingszutaten und wir werden euch unsere Lieblingstechniken mit diesen Medien zeigen! Wir werden Textur erzeugen, mit simplen Resist Techniken arbeiten und viel mit Farben experimentieren! Und wir werden Euch nicht nur eine Menge Techniken zeigen, sondern darüber hinaus Euch auch viele nützliche Informationen über die Medien geben und Euch weitere Tipps und Trick auch für das forgeschrittene Spielen zuhause mitgeben!

If you’d like to sign up (we’re just a little less than half full right now), you can find all of the information here.

Falls Ihr Euch anmelden wollt (Wir sind etwas weniger als zur Hälfte ausgebucht zur Zeit), könnt Ihr Informationen  hier erhalten.

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