Creative Squad: In the City – Maura Hibbitts

Hello from my Creative Squad! Today we have a really fun project from Maura Hibbitts using some of my rubber stamps and the Water Tower mini cardboard model. This month’s theme is: In the City – Although we aren’t traveling much these days, let’s reminisce about a time we traveled to another town or city. Think about the flavor of the place and let that guide your color and design choices.

I will admit, I am a country girl…I love the mountains and forests and wide open spaces…but every once in awhile I head to the city. I may have an appointment, or go to a museum or a show, but it seems there is always something that draws me there from time to time. I live in an area with small cities, and these have a lot to offer too, that’s where I go to the Asian and Indian markets, to Trader Joe’s, the art store, to the co-op to get the roasted coffee beans I love, to photograph buildings and people and rusty structures. I am a train ride and a few hours away from New York City, and have taken 150 middle school students to explore the city (yep, a few gray hairs from those trips), met my sister for a few days on her business trip and explored Central Park, attended and presented at conferences for education, enjoyed a wonderful high tea with my sisters at a ritzy hotel…truly memories that will be with me forever. No matter if the city near you is small, or a metropolis, go out and explore and see what it has to offer.

We received these cool models from Nat for this month’s project from a company called Boundless Brooklyn, and mine is a replica of real water tower in the city…I may just have to visit and try to find it. I took everything out of the folder, laid it out, and thought of ideas. I wanted a grungy look, so I started by stamping the bases with the Wabi Sabi stamps – gnarly, funky, jazzed, and far out, and a variety of archival inks in brown, black, grey and blue. I kept the pieces flat for the stamping.

I stamped the walls using the Wabi Sabi stamps, groovy and neato, using archival red, black and orange inks. I also wanted to add a graffiti-like image, so added the Love stamp. I was happy with my design, it looked like fish swimming around the tank. 

I decided to pretty up the roof too, after all if you were looking down from a higher building, it would be nice to see. I stamped around the piece using the Jugendstil stamp from the Mini Motifs set and black ink.

Now, it’s time to add the paint. I used fluid acrylics so that my stamped images would show through. I started with Transparent Yellow Ochre and an old brush, and pounced the paint randomly onto the pieces. I repeated this step with Burnt Sienna and Quinacridone Gold. It created a rusty appearance to age the water tower.

To add more depth to the painting of the tower and a patina effect, I went in and pounced on Cobalt Teal Hue. I felt this would allude to the water tower being constructed of metal.

I added a bit of detail to the Love stamp and roof with a light orange Posca pen.

Then I just followed the kit’s directions to assemble the water tower…and that is when I discovered I had stamped the walls upside down…darn it! I thought I was being so careful in laying out all the pieces before I began. So, in order to save my idea, I stamped Love again, upside-down over the first one. Luckily, I had stamped the first one in red, so the second one in black took over.

I thought about how structures in the city often advertise businesses in the area, so I made a flag using a skewer and teal paper and added “Eat at Loves in the city”.

What a great little model, and so fun to alter and assemble! You can create a lot of texture and age with stamped images and the right paint colors. I admit, I do love finding rusty structures and photographing them, and the city is a great place to find them.

Find out what makes the city near you unique and different, and go explore. I learned the small cities in my area are known historically for glove making, horse racing, and carpets. I found a small local railway line, which is now a bike path. I’ve learned about the role the Erie Canal played in developing my region. Discover who first settled the city and learn about them, like I found out how many areas near me were settled by the Dutch, and when you look closely, you can find the clues in place names and architecture. Enjoy learning about your city! – Maura

Thanks Maura – love the feeling of age and patina that you were able to create with rubber stamps and paint – this really looks like you could find it in real life. Now… I wonder how the menu is at Love’s :)

Give it a try: you can find all my Rubber Stamps and those cool Cardboard Models in my Online Shop and here are some of the supplies Maura used:

Follow Nat’s Creative Squad on Instagram too: Each week we post projects, ideas, and inspiration for mixed media art.

Comments (1)

  • Sue Clarke


    Maura, I love the color that you created. It looks so real.


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Stroll Through the Hood – April 2021

Strolls through my hood get me out of my studio, they help me get unstuck and often I get inspired by what I see and get new ideas to create something. It is part of my philosophy about Artful Adventures in Mixed Media – which is the subject of my book. Here are some photos that I gathered in the last couple weeks.

Loved seeing this church with the gorgeous terra cotta tiles and took a double take when I realized the writing was in German. I know that this neighborhood in Jersey City had a bigger amount of Germans around 1850 – 1900 but it was the first time I actually noticed traces of that.

Loe the two different hand painted signs on the brick – very cool.

I love those flowers in my garden – they remind me of my childhood as those were some of my mother’s favorite flowers as well. Nature is so cool!

I am not sure you realized how hard it is for me to work on the computer because that is what I see everyday on my desk next to my key board …so much cuteness!

Someone working on some serious curb appeal …fun though.

I didn’t see who made this -bad me – but loved the colors and swirls – fun stencil work.

Karate Kitty – makes me happy :)

And Dance Bears – same artist as the Karate Kitty – Sean 9 Lugo

Such a cool church window- I wonder how this church looks like inside.

Boarded up house- look at this magnificent Eastlake Door and all the wood details. Hopefully it will find a loving owner some day.

I am so happy now that the weather is so much nicer that we can stroll around the hood more again. We actually have a plan of walking all of Jersey City …let’s see- hahaha- We have to redo some of the many areas we walked already over the years- so it is like starting from zero …but it is the best way to get to know your city and it is quite fun. I will let you know about our progress and if we fail…well ….we won’t hahah ;)

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ArtCollab – Next ZoomCast May 4th

I’m getting together again with my friend Sarah Matthews to quiet that annoying inner voice that sometimes says, “I can’t do it.” Come and join in on the discussion on Tuesday, May 4 at 12noon EDT (NYC time) and let’s tell that voice to shush it :) Register here to attend.

Episode 3: “I can’t do it.”
Join us as we discuss that negative mindset that can really get in the way of creativity. In Episode 2 you may recall that we opened up boxes of supplies that we sent each other, with an assignment to use the supplies, no matter what that little voice has to say. In Episode 3 we will reveal our creations in this episode and talk about how sometimes you just have to dive in and try things. You never know what will come out of it and honestly, what is the worst that can happen? Let’s get ready to say “I can do that” instead!

ArtCollab is a monthly zoomcast with the two of us: Sarah Matthews and Nathalie Kalbach (and occasionally other special guests too). Each episode we get together, collaborate on all sorts of unique artsy projects, share our process and offer updates and sneak peeks along the way, and of course we chat about all stuff art-related (and topics that go way beyond that too). ArtCollab is a real life look into the process of creating, collaborating, and the ins and outs of living an artistic life that is touched by others.

New ArtCollab zoomcasts will be live and happen every first Tuesday of the month. Sign up for my newsletter HERE or Sarah’s newsletter HERE to get all the details for upcoming zoomcasts.

Join in for an entertaining and inspiring interlude into the world of two artists who are working together in conversation and practice!

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A Look Back – Spring DIY Ideas – Cool Stuff You May Have Missed 25

A Look Back – This time I’m looking at some Spring DIY Ideas that are great ways to get creative and make a few lovely things for this time of year. A stenciled umbrella to help you chase away those springtime showers in style? Yes. A vertical garden using your favorite rubber stamps? You betcha. A paper wreath project that the whole family can make? Read on and enjoy!

A Look Back is a blog series to show you some projects and posts that you may have missed – sometimes going WAY back in the archive. I think it will be fun to revisit a few ideas that we haven’t seen for a while. I’m excited to see how a little look back might inspire something new in the future :)

Spring showers got you down? No problem – grab a boring old umbrella and give it a little style with stencils and spray paint. I loved decorating a simple white umbrella in colors and patterns that made me happy no matter what the weather. And bonus – this little compact white umbrella was great in the summer to keep the sun off on particularly hot days in the city. Check out the full tutorial here.


Every year the weather warms up and I long to be outside and to see flowers! And while those little plants are growing bigger, I love to have colorful pots adding pops here and there in the garden. I painted and used rubber stamps to make some simple terra cotta pots a lot more fun. Read the DIY steps here.


I’m a pattern junky as you know, so this DIY was a no-brainer. Tote bags get a ton of use so why shouldn’t they be just as cool as the rest of your stuff? I used rubber stamps and fabric ink to stamp my shopping bags with bold patterns. See my inspiration and step-by-step instructions here. And then take your lovely new bags and go support a small business in your hood!


What do you get when you combine plain fabric scarves with stencils and fabric markers? Beautiful watercolor-like patterns and a one-of-a-kind wardrobe staple. This is an easy project with just a few supplies. See the instructions here.


Here is a spring project that the whole family can do together. I used colorful paper and rubber stamps to make the “leaves” and then glued them to a cardboard ring that I cut from an old box. Read all about it here.

I hope this list of Spring DIY Ideas inspires you to try some new things and get creative. Here are some of the supplies I used:

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April ArtFoamies Challenge – Day 29 & 30

Last two days of Nat and Sarah’s April ArtFoamies Challenge! Can you believe it? April flew by and now I have a nice bit of my vintage ledger filled with different ArtFoamies patterns. Today I’m recapping April 29 and 30 but I definitely recommend checking out all the action on instagram to see what Sarah and I and all who played along did with the challenge. Thank you for joining in!

April 29 – Lines – Definitely had to use my Central Ave Positive and Negative Stamp for this one and wanted to fill in and layer with my Broadway Fan Stamp …apparently this pattern was too hard for pre coffee stamping LOL – I had to pause several times to get my act together. Sometimes the simple patterns make your brain tangle ;)

And here is a look at April 29:


April 30 – Friendship – Woohoo right on time I got Sarah’s gorgeous Abstract Sunflower ArtFoamie – and you know  we are not only friends because I love Sunflowers too :) I used my Love Story Foam Stamp which is a limited edition for Creative JumpStart 2021 with it. Check it out:

Another look at April 30:

My heart is full for having had such an awesome time with Sarah this month playing with our stamps together and seeing so many of you join us. Thank you Sarah for the fun …until next April LOL ;) Don’t miss Sarah and me for our next ArtCollab ZoomCast on May 4th where we talk about “I can’t do that” and show you what we did with the challenge we gave each other in the last episode.

Like what you see? Try it yourself – here are the supplies I used:

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Nat’s Community – Spill your heART Webinars & ArtCollab Zoomcasts

The Community tab on my website is your portal to Webinars and Zoomcasts – past, present, and future!

Catch up on all past episodes of Spill your heART HERE and don’t miss any of the insight and fun from our professional panelists.

Check out all my ArtCollab adventures with Sarah Matthews HERE, sign up for the next episode and watch previous episodes too :)

Join us tomorrow, Friday April 30th at 12noon EDT (NYC time) for the next LIVE Webinar episode of Spill your heART! Register here to attend. I’m super excited about this one as I think we all have different perspectives on Social Media and I know it will be very helpful to share more on this topic.

Episode 2: Social Media – Taming the Beast – Join artists Nat Kalbach, Julie Fei-Fan Balzer, Iris Fritschi-Cussens, and Jimmy Leslie as they discuss the ups and downs, ins and outs, and the good, bad, and ugly of using social media as artists. We’ll talk about balancing privacy and sharing, potential benefits and downsides, and how participating can change your practice. Metrics, negative comments, and thoughts on how to get started will also be touched on. Let’s hear some professional perspective on taming the social media beast!


Spill your heART – Once a month, you can join me and a panel of professionals to hear them sharing their personal stories and experiences in the arts. From past-life professions to finding time for art to discovering your creative style, each month we’ll be covering topics to motivate and inspire you to create and do what moves you.

You can catch up on past episodes HERE in the Community section of my website :)

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April ArtFoamies Challenge – Day 27 & 28

We’re in the home stretch of Nat and Sarah’s April ArtFoamies Challenge and today I’m recapping April 27 and 28.

Day 27 – Tile – Blue tiles …they make me think of Lisboa and make me long for a nice long vacation there. I do miss traveling but until that works for me again… I will just live through my visual cues provided by my foam stamps that were often inspired by my travels. Here I used my Van Vorst pos neg set.


Here is a look:


April 28 – Abstract – I used the hexagon shape as a solid stamp and then added some Wabi Sabi on top with Neato and Far Out. I am a bit sad that this challenge is coming to an end – I haven’t really gotten to the end of making patterns… Oh well, I still have another million pages in my ledger to go and I’m working on some new designs so I think they will move in here with some patterns as well ;)


And a look at that page:


Follow along with the challenge on instagram  and post your artwork too with the hashtag #artcollabChallengeAccepted

Here are some of the supplies I used:

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Creative Squad: Another Door Opens – Jordan Hill

Hello from my Creative Squad! Today we have an art journal page with a bonus mini page from Jordan Hill. She is using my Triple Play stamps and our theme: Another Door Opens – There is this saying, “when one door closes, another door opens” that basically is an optimistic way of looking at change in your life. Create an art journal page with this in mind, however you’d like to express it, however the idea inspires you to create!

Hello everyone! I’m super excited to be back with my project for April 2021; I had a lot of fun with this month’s products and theme, so I hope you all enjoy following the process as much as I enjoyed creating this page!

I decided to begin this month’s page with a piece of collage. When I create journal pages, I tend to end up with a lot of excess paint, either on my palette or my paintbrushes. In order to make sure none of this excess paint goes to waste, I use scraps of paper to clean it up.

In addition, I had been playing around with one of the stamps from the Triple Play Foam Stamp Set on another page in my journal. The excess from that page had ended up on this scrap of paper, so it seemed like the perfect start point! I tore off a chunk and glued it down. I also glued a coin envelope to the upper right hand corner of the page, as I felt that the idea of a pocket was in line with this month’s theme of “Another Door Opens”.

Next up, I used a second stamp from the Triple Play Foam Stamp Set along with some slightly watered down black acrylic paint to almost completely cover the lower right hand corner of my page. I made sure to overlap my background stamping with the collage piece in order to incorporate it into the page. I also used this same stamp in the upper left corner.

Since there was already some pink on my collage piece, I decided to push that a bit further and used a pink oil pastel to do a bit of mark-making in a few different places on my page.

I then incorporated a few more pieces of collage. A while back, I drew a bunch of windows with the intention of using them as collage material for my journals. I felt as though this tied into the April theme, so I glued one in. I also glued down a tiny found word clipping in the lower left hand corner of the page.

It was then time to start working on the focal point! As usual, I knew I wanted to incorporate a face, so I started things out by using some acrylic paint to block in the basic shapes. Then, using an indigo colored pencil, I started to sketch in the facial features.

When it comes to shading faces in my journals, I don’t always add shadows. Often it depends on the size of the face that I’m drawing. Because this particular face was on the larger side (and seemed a bit flat), I decided I did want to add shadows. I used a slightly darker color of paint than the base skin tone and started blocking in my shadows.

I don’t usually overthink it when it comes to adding shadows to my faces, but a good tip for knowing where to put them is to have an imaginary light source. For this particular face, my ‘light source’ was in the upper left, so I added shading to the right side of the face.

Next it was time to add the hair. Since the majority of the color that already existed in this page was pink, I decided to go with that as the hair color! I sketched out the basic shape of the hair with my colored pencil, before using acrylic paint to add the color.

I also used this same pink in the lips, cheeks and shoulders to warm up the skin tone and tie the face together with the hair.

It was then time for the finishing touches! I added a shirt, used some watered down black acrylic paint to flick some splatters across the page, and found a fortune from a fortune cookie laying on my desk that was perfectly in line with the theme!

As one last little bonus element for this page, I also slipped a card inside of the coin envelope I glued down in step one, and created a little mini page on top of it. To me, the idea of this hidden page is yet another nod to the theme of “Another Door Opens”.

I hope you enjoyed following this process and possibly try some of the ideas for yourself!

Thank you Jordan, I just love the intriguing backgound you created with the stamps and collage!

Give it a try: you can find all my Foam Stamps in my Online Shop and in addition to collage papers, here are some of the supplies Jordan used:

For more projects and ideas, check out Nat’s Creative Squad on Instagram too: Each week we post projects, ideas, and inspiration for mixed media art.

Comments (1)

  • Diane Tignor


    Love the message of this art journal page. Striking w the imagery.


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April ArtFoamies Challenge – Day 26

We’re recapping Nat and Sarah’s April ArtFoamies Challenge today with April 26 – are you playing along with us? Be sure to tag #artcollabChallengeAccepted – we’d love to see what you are making!

April 26 – Bird – Oh man …honestly not my favorite of all the prints- I was thinking the positive and negative Fairview Fan stamps that slightly look a bit like bird heads would be perfect for this in brown and red …kind of like red robin …but it really did not come out the way I wanted it to…the yellow “beak” printed with one of my rubber stamps made it slightly better but I would rather just put a bird on this one and move on ;)

And another look:

Follow along with the challenge on instagram  and post your artwork too with the hashtag #artcollabChallengeAccepted

Here are some of the supplies I used:

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