This October we spent some time in the Catskills and one of the fun discoveries was the Assembly in Monticello, NY. The space originally a Buick dealership has been transformed to an art gallery by artist Bosco Sodi.

For the first exhibition Bosco asked a group of artists from mostly Mexico to “give us your retired, your stashed-away masses yearning to be seen”

Paula Cortazar work on different stone was fascinating! Inviting to stay a bit longer and follow the intricate designs.

Eduardo Sarabia – loved his work which reminded in it’s usage of political statements on ceramics of Grayson Perry‘s work.

The little statue is by Gonzalo Lebrija – basically showing how I feel every day :)

This is also by him:

Bosco Sodi‘s art

Tania Candiani created this sound installation:

Ugo Rondinone showed a couple of those stone faces – the instagram page makes me want to see even more of the work!

Hi Nat,
I would like to order this. Please advise when I can order.